As the darling of the market, LED transparent screens have been loved by the market since their launch and are widely used in various fields. It is estimated that you are still confused about their classification.
1. በአጠቃቀም አካባቢ የተከፋፈለ
በአጠቃቀም አካባቢው መሰረት, it can be divided into indoor LED transparent screens and outdoor LED transparent screens. የቤት ውስጥ የ LED ግልጽ ማያ ገጾች ባህሪያት ትልቅ የመመልከቻ ማዕዘን ናቸው, መጠነኛ የማያ ገጽ ብሩህነት, ከፍተኛ እፍጋት, ቀላል ክብደት, and suitable for close viewing; የውጪ የ LED ግልጽ ማያ ገጾች ባህሪያት ረጅም የቀለም ድብልቅ ርቀት ናቸው, ከፍተኛ ማያ ገጽ ብሩህነት, ኃይለኛ የውሃ መከላከያ እና የ UV መቋቋም.
2. በማሳያ ተግባር የተከፋፈለ
እንደ ማሳያ ተግባራት, it can be divided into graphic LED transparent screen, video LED transparent screen, and digital display screen. The characteristic of a transparent LED screen with graphics and text, ስሙ እንደሚያመለክተው, is that it can display images and text information, እና ከመስመር ውጭ በአውታረ መረብ በኩል ሊታዩ ይችላሉ።; The characteristic of a video LED transparent screen is that it can display 2D or 3D video information such as live streaming, video recording, and DVDs; የዲጂታል ማሳያ ማሳያ መሳሪያ ባለ 7 ክፍል ኮድ ዲጂታል ቱቦ ነው, በዋናነት ዲጂታል ኤሌክትሮኒክስ ማያ ገጾችን ለማሳየት ያገለግላል, የኤሌክትሮኒክስ ሰዓቶች, እናም ይቀጥላል.
የሊድ ግልጽ ማያ ገጽ ውጤት ማሳያ ምስል
3. በማሳያ ቀለም ይከፋፍሉ
እንደ ማሳያው ቀለም, it can be divided into primary color display screens, dual primary color display screens, and full color display screens. A single primary color LED display screen is composed of one color LED and can only display one color; ባለሁለት ዋና ቀለም LED ማሳያ ማያ ቀይ እና አረንጓዴ LED መብራቶች ያቀፈ ነው, እና የ 256 ደረጃ ባለሁለት ዋና ቀለም LED ግልጽነት ያለው ማያ እስከ ማሳየት ይችላል። 65536 ቀለሞች; The full color display screen is composed of red, አረንጓዴ, and blue LEDs, and a 256 ደረጃ ባለ ሙሉ ቀለም LED ግልጽነት ያለው ማያ ገጽ እስከ ማሳየት ይችላል። 16777216 ቀለሞች.
4. በማሳያ ዘዴ ይከፋፍሉ
According to the display method, ወደ ገጽ መገልበጥ ማሳያ ሊከፋፈል ይችላል።, አግድም ማሸብለል, የማይንቀሳቀስ እና ቀጥ ያለ ማሸብለል, ወዘተ.
የሊድ ግልጽ ማያ ገጽ ውጤት ማሳያ ምስል
5. በመቆጣጠሪያ ዘዴ የተከፋፈለ
According to the control mode, ወደ የተመሳሰለ ሁነታ እና ያልተመሳሰል ሁነታ ሊከፋፈል ይችላል. የተመሳሰለው የማሳያ ዘዴ የ LED ግልጽ ስክሪን እንደ ኮምፒውተር መቆጣጠሪያ ከማከም ጋር እኩል ነው።, and achieving multi grayscale display capability by mapping computer images on the monitor with dots; The asynchronous display method utilizes the storage function and automatic playback function of the LED transparent screen itself to transfer edited text and images to the LED transparent screen on the computer, ይህም በራስ-ሰር ይጫወታል. Due to the lack of multi grayscale display ability, ይህ ዘዴ በአጠቃላይ የጽሑፍ መረጃን ለማሳየት ብቻ ጥቅም ላይ ይውላል
6. Divided by point spacing
አነስተኛ ክፍተት በዋናነት P0.83ን ያካትታል, P1, P1.25, P1.53, P1,667, P1.86, P1,875, ወዘተ
Indoor full color mainly includes P2, P2.5, P3, P4, P5, ወዘተ
Outdoor full color mainly includes P3, P4, P5, P6, P8, P10, ወዘተ
Single and dual color mainly divided into P4.75, P7.62, P10, ወዘተ
የሊድ ግልጽ ማያ ገጽ ውጤት ማሳያ ምስል
7. Divided by lamp bead mounting method
a. Lamp bead facing
The front emitting technology is used, which is a standard LED transparent screen light bead that can ensure a viewing angle of 140 ° in all directions.
b. Lamp bead side sticker
Adopting side emitting technology, side mounted LED beads are installed on the upper or lower side of the light strip, with a viewing angle of 160 °, providing a wider viewing angle. The industry is known as a side emitting LED transparent screen.