L-iskrin tal-film tal-kristall flessibbli LED għandu l-karatteristiċi ta 'dawl u rqiq, trasparenti, flessibbli u ħfief, u faċli biex tinstalla. Il-prodotti jintużaw fil-ħitan tal-purtieri, swali tal-wirjiet, twieqi, liftijiet ta' sightseeing, guardrails mall tax-xiri u għelieqi oħra tal-ħġieġ. Huma faċli biex jiġu installati u jistgħu jiġu pasted direttament fuq il-ħġieġ. Kemm il-quddiem kif ukoll id-dahar jistgħu jiġu pasted. Il-prodotti jistgħu jinqatgħu direttament b'sikkina ta 'utilità fuq il-post, u jista 'jitgħawweġ fil-volontà 360 gradi bi trasparenza għolja. 99%, l-iskrin innifsu jadotta l-erja tal-lampa integrata, ħlief li l-lampa ma tistax tara komponenti elettroniċi oħra, l-itwal naħa waħda hija 1.5 metri, l-isplicing ta ' fuq u t'isfel huwa 3 metri, u t-tul huwa illimitat.
High grayscale display (true 16bit) RGB channel adopts 32-level current linear adjustment, and maintains 16bit grayscale display under any current, suitable for indoor, semi-outdoor, and outdoor current requirements; self-developed glue filling Craftsmanship (the screen has its own viscosity and can be directly attached to the glass surface. The colloid has strong adsorption force, and the inherent properties of the colloid will also increase the viscosity over time).
Adhesive to glass + Ultra-thin
This is the latest transparent screen technology. It can also adhere to glass by using a special glue. In addition to the glass, there is no need for an additional support frame, and it perfectly demonstrates all the advantages of the transparent screen.
High Definition + High Gray Scale
The highest resolution of ordinary transparent screens IS P1.9/3.8. But for the transparent screen which is attached to the glass including the LED Film display, P3.9 is the highest definition. And because of the extremely high contrast, it can bring a much better display effect than ordinary high resolution transparent screens.
Trasparenza Għolja + Luminożità Għolja
With the help of a reasonable layout of LED diodes and the principle of light diffraction, when you stand at a distance of 1 meter or more, you can’t see the screen at all. You can say that the transmittance is close to 100%. For any other ordinary transparent screens, this is unimaginable.
Specifications of transparent led film display
Mudell | AD-CL6 | AD-CL8 | AD-CL10 | AD-CL20 | AD-CL30 | AD-CL40 |
Żift tal-pixel | P6.25 | P8 | P10 | P20 | P30 | P40 |
Module resolution | 160×64 | 125×50 | 100×40 | 50×20 | 32×12 | 25×10 |
Module pixel quantity | 10240 | 6250 | 4000 | 1000 | 384 | 250 |
Densità tal-pixel(pixel/m²) | 27777 | 15625 | 10000 | 2500 | 1024 | 625 |
Daqs tal-modulu(WxHxD) | 1000×400 | 1000×400 | 1000×400 | 1000×400 | 1000×400 | 1000×400 |
Module area | 0 . 4(㎡) | 0 . 4(㎡) | 0 . 4(㎡) | 0 . 4(㎡) | 0 . 4(㎡) | 0 . 4(㎡) |
Transparency rate | >85 | >90 | >95 | >97 | >97 | >97 |
Tip LED | SMD 3-in-1 built-in driving IC |
Luminożità | 2000cd/㎡ (Maximum 4000cd/m2; * Notify before placing order) |
Color consistency | ≥97% |
Angolu tal-vista (H×V) | 160×160 |