As the darling of the market, LED transparent screens have been loved by the market since their launch and are widely used in various fields. It is estimated that you are still confused about their classification.
1. Diviż mill-ambjent tal-użu
Skont l-ambjent tal-użu, it can be divided into indoor LED transparent screens and outdoor LED transparent screens. Il-karatteristiċi ta 'skrins trasparenti LED ta' ġewwa huma angolu kbir tal-vista, luminożità moderata tal-iskrin, densità għolja, piż ħafif, and suitable for close viewing; Il-karatteristiċi ta 'skrins trasparenti LED ta' barra huma distanza twila tat-taħlit tal-kulur, luminożità għolja tal-iskrin, reżistenza qawwija għall-ilma u UV.
2. Diviż bil-funzjoni tal-wiri
Skont il-funzjonijiet tal-wiri, it can be divided into graphic LED transparent screen, video LED transparent screen, and digital display screen. The characteristic of a transparent LED screen with graphics and text, kif jissuġġerixxi l-isem, is that it can display images and text information, u jistgħu jintwerew offline permezz tan-netwerking; The characteristic of a video LED transparent screen is that it can display 2D or 3D video information such as live streaming, video recording, and DVDs; L-apparat tal-wiri ta 'skrin tal-wiri diġitali huwa tubu diġitali ta' kodiċi ta '7 segmenti, prinċipalment użat għall-wiri ta 'skrins elettroniċi diġitali, Arloġġi elettroniċi, u l-bqija.
Led immaġni trasparenti tal-wiri tal-effett tal-iskrin
3. Aqsam bil-kulur tal-wiri
Skont il-kulur tal-wiri, it can be divided into primary color display screens, dual primary color display screens, and full color display screens. A single primary color LED display screen is composed of one color LED and can only display one color; L-iskrin tal-wiri LED tal-kulur primarju doppju huwa magħmul minn dwal LED ħomor u ħodor, u il 256 livell doppju kulur primarju LED skrin trasparenti jistgħu juru sa 65536 kuluri; The full color display screen is composed of red, aħdar, and blue LEDs, and a 256 livell kulur sħiħ LED skrin trasparenti jistgħu juru sa 16777216 kuluri.
4. Aqsam bil-metodu tal-wiri
According to the display method, jista 'jinqasam f'wiri ta' flipping tal-paġna, scrolling orizzontali, scrolling statiku u vertikali, eċċ.
Led immaġni trasparenti tal-wiri tal-effett tal-iskrin
5. Diviż bil-metodu ta' kontroll
According to the control mode, jista 'jinqasam f'modalità sinkronika u modalità asinkronika. Il-metodu tal-wiri sinkroniku huwa ekwivalenti għat-trattament tal-iskrin trasparenti LED bħala monitor tal-kompjuter, and achieving multi grayscale display capability by mapping computer images on the monitor with dots; The asynchronous display method utilizes the storage function and automatic playback function of the LED transparent screen itself to transfer edited text and images to the LED transparent screen on the computer, li awtomatikament se jilgħab. Due to the lack of multi grayscale display ability, dan il-metodu ġeneralment jintuża biss biex juri informazzjoni tat-test
6. Divided by point spacing
Spazjar żgħir jinkludi prinċipalment P0.83, P1, P1.25, P1.53, P1,667, P1.86, P1,875, eċċ
Indoor full color mainly includes P2, P2.5, P3, P4, P5, eċċ
Outdoor full color mainly includes P3, P4, P5, P6, P8, P10, eċċ
Single and dual color mainly divided into P4.75, P7.62, P10, eċċ
Led immaġni trasparenti tal-wiri tal-effett tal-iskrin
7. Divided by lamp bead mounting method
a. Lamp bead facing
The front emitting technology is used, which is a standard LED transparent screen light bead that can ensure a viewing angle of 140 ° in all directions.
b. Lamp bead side sticker
Adopting side emitting technology, side mounted LED beads are installed on the upper or lower side of the light strip, with a viewing angle of 160 °, jipprovdu angolu usa' tal-vista. The industry is known as a side emitting LED transparent screen.