Category Archives: priemyselné správy

Čím jasnejšia je priehľadná LED obrazovka s videom, lepšie?

priehľadný LED displej s videom (2)

Mnoho výrobcov priehľadných LED obrazoviek, pri predstavovaní zákazníkom, väčšinou hovoria, že čím vyšší je jas, tým lepšia kvalita. Je to naozaj tak?? Redaktor vás zavedie k odhaleniu pravdy. The brightness of LED electronic display screens refers to the luminous intensity per unit area of the display screen during […]

Preventívne opatrenia pri používaní priehľadných obrazoviek LED pre dlhšiu životnosť

priehľadný LED displej s videom (1)

LED priehľadné obrazovky sa čoraz viac používajú v rôznych priemyselných odvetviach a sú obľúbené u veľkých podnikov. Pri každodennom používaní sa nevyhnutne stretávame s rôznymi problémami. Prostredie používania priehľadnej obrazovky LED. 1. Rozsah teplôt pracovného prostredia je -20 ℃ ≤ t ≤ 50 ℃, a rozsah vlhkosti pracovného prostredia je 10% do 90% […]

Štandard pre výber vhodných LED priehľadných obrazoviek

sklenené LED displeje

Kompletná klasifikácia priehľadných LED obrazoviek môže slúžiť ako referencia 1. Divided by usage environment According to the usage environment, možno ho rozdeliť na vnútorné LED priehľadné obrazovky a vonkajšie LED priehľadné obrazovky. Charakteristikou vnútorných LED priehľadných obrazoviek je veľký pozorovací uhol, mierny jas obrazovky, vysoká hustota, nízka hmotnosť, a […]

Aké sú hlavné scenáre pre priehľadné LED obrazovky?

window advertising display

V posledných rokoch, with the expansion of market demand in the LED display screen industry and the continuous expansion of application fields, LED display products have shown a diversified development trend. As a rising star in the LED display screen industry, LED transparent screens, with their advantages of lightweight, no need for steel frame structure, […]

Odborné pojmy pojmov priehľadná obrazovka LED displeja

P3.91 transparent led wall

With the rapid development of LED display screen technology, LED display screen products have shown diversified development. V dnešnej dobe, LED display screens are widely used in various industries. Avšak, for beginners, many professional terms of LED display screens are unfamiliar. So what are the common professional terms of LED display screens? 1. LED brightness The brightness […]

Úplná klasifikácia priehľadných LED obrazoviek

mediálny fasádny LED displej (2)

As the darling of the market, LED transparent screens have been loved by the market since their launch and are widely used in various fields. It is estimated that you are still confused about their classification. 1. Divided by usage environment According to the usage environment, it can be divided into indoor LED transparent screens […]

Ako objaviť štyri hlavné výhody LED priehľadných obrazoviek v oblasti reklamy.

LED displej s priehľadným filmom P10 (1)

LED transparent screens have advantages such as lightweight, no need for steel frame structure, easy installation and maintenance, and good permeability. In other fields, it is applied like a fish in water, entering our field of vision with a striking posture. 1. Glass display window LED transparent screens installed in store glass display windows provide […]

Ako rozumne realizovať transparentný efekt na obrazovke LED

LED displej s priehľadným filmom P10 (4)

With the improvement of LED display screen manufacturerstechnology and continuous expansion in many application fields, LED display products are now showing a diversified development trend. LED transparent screen is a new type of LED display screen, which has the characteristics of transparent display, simple application, intelligent control, high brightness and energy saving. As a […]

How to make a transparent display screen quotation, and what are the price factors?

adhesive film led display (1)

As a rising star in the LED display screen industry, transparent displays have entered the field of vision with their transparency advantage. P2.8 P3.91 P7.81 LED display screens are now widely used in the entire advertising industry, with screens appearing in various places. Transparent display screens are not only light, tenký, and easy to install, […]

Installation Method and Application Environment of LED Transparent Screen

retail shop display

With the rapid development of LED display screen technology, transparent LED displays have gained market popularity due to their advantages such as lightness, transparentnosť, and easy installation. Their application fields are becoming increasingly widespread. The price of ordinary display screens gradually decreases, but in the LED transparent screen market, the price continues to rise, usually […]