Tag Archives: outdoor LED line lamp

Nega bir muncha vaqt ishlatilgandan keyin LED chiziqli chiroq avvalgidek porlamaydi??

yuqori sifatli bino jabhasi yoritgichi tashqi ip66 54w 108w rgbw LED yoritgich yoritgichi (3)

Vaqt to'planishi va quyosh va yomg'irning emirilishi bilan tashqi yoritgichli LED chiroq, ma'lum bir vaqtgacha yorug'lik chizig'i oldingidek yorqin emasligini sezadi. Bu yorug'lik sanoatidagi professional atama – yorug'lik etishmovchiligi. The physical phenomenon of light decay for LED […]

Jamiyatning tashqi devoridagi LED chiziqli chiroq qancha turadi?

ip65 waterproof 50mm with code rgb smd 5050 led pixel light led point light source (5)

Yaqinda, many customers who need outdoor LED line lamp are consulting. How much is the lighting LED line lamp on the outer wall of the community? Aslini olib qaraganda, we are in the choice of real estate lighting line lights. The appearance of different materials and the prices of manufacturers are different. If we want to […]