What is the best environment for plants to grow in?

The wavelength of the led plant lamp is ideal for growing, flowering, and bearing plants. General indoor plants and flowers will grow worse and worse with time, the main reason is the lack of light irradiation. The LED light irradiation suitable for the required spectrum of plants can not only promote their growth, but also prolong the flowering period and improve the quality of flowers. The application of this efficient light source system to agricultural production such as greenhouses, greenhouses and other facilities, on the one hand, can solve the problem that the lack of sunlight leads to the decline of the taste of tomatoes, cucumbers and other greenhouses, on the other hand, it can make the winter greenhouses jackets vegetables before and after the Spring Festival to market, so as to achieve the purpose of off-season cultivation.

Since the junction temperature can be determined by the average power consumption, even a large ripple current has little effect on the power consumption. For example, in a step-down converter, a peak-to-peak ripple current equal to the DC output current  increases the total power loss by no more than 10%. If the above loss level is far exceeded, then the AC ripple current from the power supply needs to be reduced so that the junction temperature and operating life remain constant. A useful rule of thumb is that the life of a semiconductor doubles for every 10 degrees Celsius decrease in junction temperature. In fact, most designs tend to have lower ripple currents due to inductor suppression. In addition, the peak current in the LED shall not exceed the maximum safe operating current rating specified by the manufacturer.

When driven by a step-down voltage regulator, the LED often conducts the AC ripple current and DC current of the inductor according to the selected output filter arrangement. This will not only increase the RMS amplitude of the current in the LED, but also increase its power consumption. In this way, the junction temperature can be increased and the service life of LED has an important impact. If we set a 70% light output limit as the lifetime of the LED, the lifetime of the LED will increase from 15,000 hours at 74 degrees Celsius to 40,000 hours at 63 degrees Celsius. The LED power loss is determined by multiplying the LED resistance by the RMS current squared plus the average current times the forward voltage drop.

The current flowing through the LED is very small below the LED opening threshold (the white LED’s opening voltage threshold is about 3.5V  Above this threshold, the current increases exponentially in the form of a positive voltage. This allows the LED to be configured as a voltage source with a series resistance, with a warning that the model is only effective at a single working DC current. If the DC current in the LED changes, then the resistance of the model should also change to reflect the new working current. At large positive currents, the power dissipation in the LED heats the device, which changes the forward pressure drop and dynamic impedance. It is important to take full account of the heat dissipation environment when determining the LED impedance.

The adjustable brightness requires a constant current to drive the LED, and this current must be maintained regardless of the input voltage. This is more challenging than simply connecting an incandescent bulb to a battery to power it.

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