
清晰的 LED 顯示屏

隨著科技的發展, 透明顯示器已廣泛應用於各領域, some of which are also used to play commercial advertisements and event rentals, in order to ensure the smooth operation of advertisements and the smooth progress of performances and other activities. It is also necessary for us to maintain a […]



曆年, the application of LED transparent screens in the field of stage design has become increasingly widespread. From TV program stages to various concerts, and then to the 2023 New Year’s Eve concert, glass LED transparent screens have been fully utilized by modern designers due to their characteristics of transparency, unobstructed, and flexible […]



全彩LED透明顯示器已成為戶外廣告載體中不可或缺的一部分, 廣泛用於廣告, 交通資訊宣傳, 文化傳播, 等等. 尤其是城市的商業中心和人口密集區, 戶外全彩LED透明顯示器無所不在. The application of LED transparent displays outdoors requires different trade-offs based […]